The CHEM-ELEON iPhone app

Advertising packages

jumbo banner

Home page

If you want BIG exposure this is the banner for you! The banner will be featured on every page of the EarthFirst website for the duration of 14 days.

The banner can be animated or static (you decide) the cost is the same. If you would like us to create the banner for you contact us. Please note additional costs apply if we create the banner for you.

Dimensions: 170 width x 390height pixels
File formats: Static banner as JPEG file format or animated banner in SWF (flash)
File size: 120KB max file size
Promotion duration: 14 days
Cost: $300+GST

wise old owl banner

Green Earth guide page

If you want to appear in the most popular page on the EarthFirst website this is a wise selection! Only three banners are featured in this page, providing you with great exposure.
Your banner will be seen by everyone who clicks on the EarthFirst guide.
The banner is static and allows you to include promo text up to 50 characters, when clicked the banner can lead people directly to your website.

Dimensions: 275 width x 110 height pixels
File formats:High quality JPEG file format
File size: 30KB
Promotion duration: 30 days
Cost: $200+GST

Clever little possum banner

Featured Product in listing pages

If you want clever and relevant exposure, then this is the banner for you!
The banner appears in the category listing of your choice, we advice that you select a category that is relevant to your product for best results.

There are currently 13 categories to choose from, these include:
Bags, Busines & office, Cards & stationery, Cosmetics & bodycare, Children & babies, health & wellness, investing ethically, fashion, food & beverage, green power & energy saving, home & garden, shop green, transportation & travel.

our banner will be seen by everyone who clicks on the EarthFirst guide.
The banner is static and allows you to include promo text up to 50 characters, when clicked the banner can lead people directly to your website.

Dimensions: 275 width x 110 height pixels
File formats: High quality JPEG file format
File size: 30KB
Promotion duration: 30 days
Cost: $200 +GST

enewsletter adverts

EarthFirst Quarterly Newsletter

The EarthFirst newsletter is sent out once a month, its full of useful info, the latest products and competitions and give-aways!

Each newsletter will feature only 5 adverts so get in quick!

Dimensions: 160 width x 160 height pixels
File formats: High quality JPEG file format
File size: 30KB
Cost: $80 per advert per newsletter (+GST)

blog entry

Blog feature on home page

You'll be a happy little bunny if you get featured on our blog! it's prime realestate on the home page and allows you to feature an article, an image and links to your website and products.

Not all submissions will be accepted however, EarthFirst has to ensure that the blog entry is informative and valuable to our readers. It cant just be used as 'shameless self-promotion'. The most effective marketing is subliminal so get your thinking caps on and come up with something really clever!

File formats: Image High quality JPEG file format, text can be supplied via email
File size: 50kb file size, 300 words.
Promotion duration: Your blog entry will be in our blog archive forever! Guarantee that your blog entry will appear on the home page for at least one week. The blog post is also promoted on Facebook and Twitter to help you reach an even BIGGER audience!
Cost: $300 per newsletter ( + GST)




Do you need a designer to create a banner advert for you?

EarthFirst has designers inhouse that can create awesome banners that will help you look your best!

Standard JPEG banner:  $100 + GST
Flash banner: $399+GST

Contact us to find out more.