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Environmental Events Calendar- Join in!

Calendar of Environmental Events

2014 is the International Year of Water Cooperation.

JANUARY 5 January - National Bird Day

2 February - World Wetlands Day

25 February - Business Clean Up Day

28 February - Schools Clean Up Day


3-9 March - SeaWeek

2 March - Clean up Australia Day

8 March - International Womens Day

9-15 March - National Ground Water Awareness Week

20 March - National Close the Gap Day (against poverty)

21 March - World Harmony Day

21 March - International Day of Forests

21 March - Harmony Day

22 March - World Water Day

19 March - Ride to School Day

29 March - Earth Hour


12-20 April - Australia Heritage Week

18 April - World Heritage Day

22 April - International Mother Earth Day

29 April- 1 May- Oz Water Day


5-11 May - International Composting Awareness Week

10-11 May- World Migratory Bird Day

12-18 May - National Volunteer Week

23 May - Walk Safely to School Day

22 May - International Day of Biological Diversity - Water and Biodiversity

23 May - World Turtle Day

27 May- 3 June - National Reconciliation Week


5 June - World Environment Day (Think Eat Save)

8 June - World Ocean Day

17 June - World Day to Combat Desertification & Drought


6-13 July - Naidoc Day

2 July - National World Whale Day

11 June - World Population Day

25 June - School Tree Day

27 July - National Tree Day


9 August - International Day for World Indigenous Peoples

12 August - International Youth Day

16-24 August - National Science Week

19 August - World Humanitarian Day

19-25 August - Keep Australia Beautiful Week


All month - National Biodiversity Month

1 September - National Wattle Day

5 September - Waltk to Work Day

5-11 September - National Landcare Week

8 September - Sustainable House Day

7 September -National Threatened Species Day

14 September - National Bilby Day

16 September - International Day for the Preservation of the Ozone Layer

20 September - World Parks Day

22 September - World Car free day

26 September - World Maritime Day


3-12 October- National Organic Week

4 October - World Animal Day

7 October - World Habitat Day

16 October - World Food Day

16 October - National Ride 2 Work Day

20-26 October - National Water Week

24 October - United Nations Day

17 October - International Day for the Eradication of Poverty


6 November - International Day for Preventing the Exploitation of the Environment in War and Armed Conflict

7 November- National Walk to Work Day

10-16 November - National Recycling Week

21 November - World Fisheries Day


3 December - International Day of Persons with Disabilities

10 December - Human Rights Day

11 December - International Mountain Day

If we missed any important days let us know so we can add them to the list.